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Dealing with Dog Spot in Illinois Lawns
Mar 28, 2024
Spring is here, and your beloved pets are just as excited as you are to enjoy the fair weather in your backyard! Just beware this sneaky type of lawn damage that can result from your pet’s waste. Fortunately, you can take some simple actions to reduce the effects of dog spot on your lawn.
What Is Dog Spot?
Dog Spot is an area on a lawn where a dog has urinated or defecated, leaving a discolored or brown patch of grass that can be difficult to remove. It’s caused by the high levels of nitrogen in a dog’s urine and feces, which can cause the grass in the affected area to die. Dog spot damage is often confused with damage from other sources of salt, such as road salt or fertilizer spills. However, you can identify a dog spot by the margin of dark green, rapidly growing grass surrounding a bright yellow patch of dying grass.
Repairing Dog Spot in Your Lawn
It can take time and patience to repair lawns damaged with dog spots. You may need to use a combination of methods to achieve your desired results.
Regularly Clean Up After Your Dog: Clean up after your dog so that the feces does not sit long enough to cause a buildup of nitrogen in the soil, which can cause brown spots.
Limit Your Dog to Certain Areas of the Lawn: By training your dog to use certain areas of the lawn, or by using a fence or other barriers, you can limit the area that will be affected by dog spot.
Use Seed and Soil to Repair the Damage: Use a grass seed blend that is suitable to your lawn in combination with a little soil to encourage new grass growth in the dog spots.
Water the Affected Areas: Water the areas where your dog urinates and defecates to dilute the nitrogen and prevent further damage.
Do you have questions about your spring lawn care? Give us a call! Our trained and certified technicians can make expert recommendations to improve the health and appearance of your lawn.